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Geotextiles are made from highquality polypropylene staple fibers that are needlepunched to form a dimensionally stable fiber network. Nonwovens are widely recognized as the choice for drainage applications, pavement interlayers and separation/stabilization beneath paved and unpaved roads. Nonwovens are almost always a better choice for survivability and performance. Our nonwoven product line is compliant with AASHTO/NTPEP standards and is available in a variety of styles to fit your specific project needs and specifications.

Dranžírovací nůž Premier Plus kovaný (od 15 do 26 cm)

Dranžírovací nůž Premier Plus kovaný (od 15 do 26 cm)

od 1 788 Kč
Santoku se speciálním výbrusem ze série 1905 v délce 18 cm

Santoku se speciálním výbrusem ze série 1905 v délce 18 cm

3 194 Kč
Vykosťovací nůž ze série 1905, ohebný v délce 15 cm

Vykosťovací nůž ze série 1905, ohebný v délce 15 cm

2 543 Kč

Features & Benefits

Requires less aggregate during construction saving $50,000 per lane mile on average and reducing road thickness Doubles the service life of the road by separating the aggregate base from the soil Offers the highest water flow rate and lateral transmissivity to reduce pore water pressure under traffic loading High interface friction to restrain and strengthen aggregate layers Engineered with optimal elongation to avoid puncture and tearing during installation Provide superior hydraulics and soil retention to support filtration Mitigates dust in unpaved roads Provides cushioning and protection for critical lining systems Resists biological and chemical environments normally found in soils AASHTO/NTPEP Certified Reduces overall maintenance cost, saving up to 50% on road repairs Installs faster than traditional methods reducing overall construction time

  • nízká váha
  • malý objem
  • nízké pořizovací náklady
  • poskytují nejmenší tepelný komfort

Requires less aggregate during construction saving $50,000 per lane mile on average and reducing road thickness Doubles the service life of the road by separating the aggregate base from the soil Offers the highest water flow rate and lateral transmissivity to reduce pore water pressure under traffic loading High interface friction to restrain and strengthen aggregate layers Engineered with optimal elongation to avoid puncture and tearing during installation Provide superior hydraulics and soil retention to support filtration Mitigates dust in unpaved roads Provides cushioning and protection for critical lining systems Resists biological and chemical environments normally found in soils AASHTO/NTPEP Certified Reduces overall maintenance cost, saving up to 50% on road repairs Installs faster than traditional methods reducing overall construction time

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Chci vědět víc

Requires less aggregate during construction saving $50,000 per lane mile on average and reducing road thickness Doubles the service life of the road by separating the aggregate base from the soil Offers the highest water flow rate and lateral transmissivity to reduce pore water pressure under traffic loading High interface friction to restrain and strengthen aggregate layers Engineered with optimal elongation to avoid puncture and tearing during installation Provide superior hydraulics and soil retention to support filtration Mitigates dust in unpaved roads Provides cushioning and protection for critical lining systems Resists biological and chemical environments normally found in soils AASHTO/NTPEP Certified Reduces overall maintenance cost, saving up to 50% on road repairs Installs faster than traditional methods reducing overall construction time

Popis obrázku

Requires less aggregate during construction saving $50,000 per lane mile on average and reducing road thickness Doubles the service life of the road by separating the aggregate base from the soil Offers the highest water flow rate and lateral transmissivity to reduce pore water pressure under traffic loading High interface friction to restrain and strengthen aggregate layers Engineered with optimal elongation to avoid puncture and tearing during installation Provide superior hydraulics and soil retention to support filtration Mitigates dust in unpaved roads Provides cushioning and protection for critical lining systems Resists biological and chemical environments normally found in soils AASHTO/NTPEP Certified Reduces overall maintenance cost, saving up to 50% on road repairs Installs faster than traditional methods reducing overall construction time

Při výběru stříšky nezapomeňte na
  1. Architektonický styl vybrané budovy
  2. Potřebné rozměry dveřní stříšky
  3. Volný prostor nad vchodem do domu
  4. Typ zdiva a způsob montáže
  5. Cokoliv dalšího

Requires less aggregate during construction saving $50,000 per lane mile on average and reducing road thickness Doubles the service life of the road by separating the aggregate base from the soil Offers the highest water flow rate and lateral transmissivity to reduce pore water pressure under traffic loading High interface friction to restrain and strengthen aggregate layers Engineered with optimal elongation to avoid puncture and tearing during installation Provide superior hydraulics and soil retention to support filtration Mitigates dust in unpaved roads Provides cushioning and protection for critical lining systems Resists biological and chemical environments normally found in soils AASHTO/NTPEP Certified Reduces overall maintenance cost, saving up to 50% on road repairs Installs faster than traditional methods reducing overall construction time

TIP: Stáhněte si náš instalační postup v PDF, kde najdete podrobné informace k instalaci geobuněk a také dalších druhů protierozní ochrany na svazích.

Geotextiles are made from highquality polypropylene staple fibers that are needlepunched to form a dimensionally stable fiber network. Nonwovens are widely recognized as the choice for drainage applications, pavement interlayers and separation/stabilization beneath paved and unpaved roads. Nonwovens are almost always a be􀀰er choice for survivability and performance. Our nonwoven product line is compliant with AASHTO/NTPEP standards and is available in a variety of styles to fit your specific project needs and specifications.

Geotextilie je plošný nebo trojdimenzionální útvar z textilních materiálů používaný ve stavebnictví, který plní funkci výztuže, ochrany nebo filtru.

Geotextiles are made from highquality polypropylene staple fibers that are needlepunched to form a dimensionally stable fiber network. Nonwovens are widely recognized as the choice for drainage applications, pavement interlayers and separation/stabilization beneath paved and unpaved roads. Nonwovens are almost always a be􀀰er choice for survivability and performance. Our nonwoven product line is compliant with AASHTO/NTPEP standards and is available in a variety of styles to fit your specific project needs and specifications.

Geotextiles are made from highquality polypropylene staple fibers that are needlepunched to form a dimensionally stable fiber network. Nonwovens are widely recognized as the choice for drainage applications, pavement interlayers and separation/stabilization beneath paved and unpaved roads. Nonwovens are almost always a be􀀰er choice for survivability and performance. Our nonwoven product line is compliant with AASHTO/NTPEP standards and is available in a variety of styles to fit your specific project needs and specifications.

Geotextiles are made from highquality polypropylene staple fibers that are needlepunched to form a dimensionally stable fiber network. Nonwovens are widely recognized as the choice for drainage applications, pavement interlayers and separation/stabilization beneath paved and unpaved roads. Nonwovens are almost always a be􀀰er choice for survivability and performance. Our nonwoven product line is compliant with AASHTO/NTPEP standards and is available in a variety of styles to fit your specific project needs and specifications.

Vlastnosti obrubníku Rim Border
  • Montáž v přímce
  • Montáž v přímce
  • Montáž v přímce
  • Montáž v přímce
  • Montáž v přímce

Geotextiles are made from highquality polypropylene staple fibers that are needlepunched to form a dimensionally stable fiber network. Nonwovens are widely recognized as the choice for drainage applications, pavement interlayers and separation/stabilization beneath paved and unpaved roads. Nonwovens are almost always a better choice for survivability and performance. Our nonwoven product line is compliant with AASHTO/NTPEP standards and is available in a variety of styles to fit your specific project needs and specifications.

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